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Home Visits

A home visit booking provides foot care services in the comfort of your own home. We will assess, diagnose, and treat a range of foot and lower limb conditions, including nail care, corns, calluses, ingrown toenails, and foot pain. As professionals we offer personalised treatment plans, which may include nail trimming, corn and callus removal, wound care, and orthotic device prescriptions.

Here at Kerrin Davey Podiatry we also provide preventive care and education on proper foot care practices to promote optimal foot health. Their services ensure accessibility and convenience, allowing individuals to receive essential foot care without the need for travel or visiting a clinic.


Opting for a home visiting podiatrist over a clinic offers convenience, personalised care, and tailored interventions.

Receive professional foot care in the comfort of your own home, saving time and effort. Home visits allow for accurate assessments and practical advice on foot health, including home modifications and assistive devices.

With one-on-one attention, home visiting podiatrists provide focused and comprehensive care. Benefit from individualised treatment plans and receive foot care in a familiar environment. Enjoy the convenience and personalised approach of home visiting podiatry, ensuring optimal foot health at home.

Call today to arrange an appointment - 0402926033

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